Frequently Asked Questions

What do you recommend for daily personal dental care?

We recommend daily flossing and brushing twice a day. Once in the morning after waking and once in the evening before bed.There are many other adjuncts that may aid in benefiting your oral health even more. Often we will ask at your appointment what your personal dental care entails and if we see signs of needing additional care we may recommend: electric tooth brushes, water flossers, proxa brushes, tongue scrubbers and oral rinses such as fluoride or chlorohexidine. It may be suggested to use less abrasive tooth paste if you show signs of gum recession and tooth or root wear or sensitivity tooth paste if you suffer from sensitive teeth.

Do we accept insurance? How do I determine what my benefit carrier will cover?

We accept payment through a patient’s benefit carrier plan. Because benefit plans are all different you may wish to find out what your plan covers before undergoing treatment.Insurance plans may only cover a portion or maximum of the total amount of a dental procedure. They may only cover a procedure once every x months (such as cleanings). They also typically have a maximum total yearly amount that they will cover that resets on particular day of the year.At Vulcan Dental we will work with you to help you understand your carrier plan. If we are in doubt of your coverage we can send a pre-authorization to your insurance to determine coverage. Your best treatment plan may not always coincide with what your insurance plan covers. We will provide estimates and ensure informed consent before continuing with your treatment.

When should my child have his first dental visit?

6 months after their first tooth erupts or at approximately 1 years old. We recommend this to not only check for any early problems but also to ensure that caregivers are informed of proper hygiene and nutrition needed for their infants. Having a child get into an early routine of visiting the dentist every 6 months will also allow them to become more comfortable with the dental office environment. During birth our previously sterile mouth picks up some of our mother’s bacteria, and in childhood we quickly acquire new microbial colonizers. Studies suggest that a preschooler’s population of mouth microbes most closely mimics his or her primary caregiver’s. As the years go on, diet, stress, illness, antibiotics and other forces can shift the demographics of an individual’s microbial community—and change its collective aroma. It is recommended to avoid any sharing that may cause salivary exchange during the child’s first two years of life while their oral environment becomes colonized with “good” bacteria and avoid the transfer of any “bad” bacteria.

Do I need dental x-rays at each visit?

No you will not need dental x-rays each visit. Dental x-rays are only taken to help diagnose certain problems or for yearly check up examinations. If you are deemed low risk for dental problems it may be suggested to delay x-rays to once every two years.

What payments methods do we accept?

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Debit, Cheques and Cash. We also direct bill insurance.

What warranty is provided?

The warranty of treatment provided may depend on the diagnosis and prognosis determined and discussed before treatment was rendered. Typically, fillings are warrantied for 2 years from placement date and crowns and bridges are warrantied for 5 years from defects related to the materials (ie. porcelain fracture) but not for new disease related to the bone, tooth or root itself.